Think Realty Podcast is your source for the latest industry trends, hard-hitting insights, and news. Each week thousands of real estate investment aficionados like you tune in. Watch and listen here, or subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.

Think Realty Podcast is your source for the latest industry trends, hard-hitting insights, and news. Each week thousands of real estate investment aficionados like you tune in. Watch and listen here, or subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.

Think Realty Podcast #294 – The Sky Is the Limit With Royal Palm Funding!

Think Realty Podcast #293 – Do Better, Invest Better With Land Betterment Corporation

Think Realty Podcast #293 – Get More Income Out of the Properties That You Already Have

Think Realty Podcast #292 – Introducing: CV3 Financial!

Think Realty Podcast #291 – Marketing Secrets You Should Know

Think Realty Podcast #290 – Passive Investments From Vacant Lots to Resort Communities

Think Realty Podcast #289 – From Rocket Scientist to Real Estate Mogul

Think Realty Podcast #288 – Empower Her With InvestHer!

Think Realty Podcast #287 – Build Your Business Empire

Think Realty Podcast #286 – Conserve Your Cash With Bulletproof Wealth!

Think Realty Podcast #285 – Why Temple View Capital?

Think Realty Podcast #284 – Play the Game the Way the Game Was Built

Think Realty Podcast #283 – Capital Is the Flow of Life

Think Realty Podcast #282 – Freedom Investing for Freedom Living!

Think Realty Podcast #281 – Think Realty Can Be Your Launchpad to Your Investment Success!

Think Realty Podcast #280 – Learn, Invest, and Grow Your Future!

Think Realty Podcast #279 – Invigorating Market Trends & Strategies For 2023

Think Realty Podcast #278 – Investing in Oil & Gas, It’s Easier Than You Think!

Think Realty Podcast #277 – Your New Best Friend (In Housing)

Think Realty Podcast #276 – Short Term Rental Strategy

Think Realty Podcast #275 – Hard Money: What Is It?

Think Realty Podcast #275 – Market Update with Chris Ragland & Eddie Wilson

Think Realty Podcast #274 – Live Your Someday Now

Think Realty Podcast #273 – Real Estate Investing is a Roller Coaster

Think Realty Podcast #272 – “This is an Interesting Time for Real Estate.” – Eddie Wilson.