Growth & Scale

Real estate investment is one of the best paths to wealth. Understand the mindset, resources, and processes you'll need to grow your business and achieve your goals.

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Growth & Scale

Real estate investment is one of the best paths to wealth. Understand the mindset, resources, and processes you'll need to grow your business and achieve your goals.

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How to Thrive in Today’s Market with Greg Slaughter

How to Thrive in Today’s Market with Greg Slaughter

00:42:07 | What do the most successful people do that allows them to thrive while most simply survive? Discover the six steps they implement that if executed in proper order will fast track your success in both business & life. Other Replays for this Event ...
+Interview with Greg Slaughter

+Interview with Greg Slaughter

00:58:00 | In this flagship Plus interview, Think Realty CEO Eddie Wilson interviews Greg Slaughter, the Founder and Executive Director of Strive2Thrive Academy. Strive2Thrive provides entrepreneurs with skills, strategies, and systems to thrive and achieve their dreams faster then they can imagine in both business and every area of life ...
Think Realty Podcast #308 – My First Deal Was a Grand Slam, and It Was the Absolute Worst!

Think Realty Podcast #308 – My First Deal Was a Grand Slam, and It Was the Absolute Worst!

Most investors remember their first investment as a learning experience, but for Adonis Lockett, his first investment was a grand slam… and he said it was the worst! Eddie chatted with Adonis about how he left his full-time job as a rocket scientist to pursue real estate and how his ...
Think Realty Podcast #305 – Thrive Without Sacrifice!

Think Realty Podcast #305 – Thrive Without Sacrifice!

Don’t get stuck on the hamster wheel, you CAN have financial freedom and you can have it SOONER than you think! Eddie Wilson sat down with our Resident Expert, Greg Slaughter, to discuss his latest project, Strive2Thrive Academy, and how he is living after systemizing his personal and professional life ...
How I Turned $500 into a Real Estate Fortune!

How I Turned $500 into a Real Estate Fortune!

Focusing on quarter-acre vacant lots in resort communities was the game-changer. When I started out over 20 years ago, I had just $500 to invest. But I quickly realized I could parlay that modest sum into controlling properties worth far more. How? By focusing on inexpensive quarter-acre buildable vacant lots ...
12 Tips for Making the Most of Real Estate Conferences and Events

12 Tips for Making the Most of Real Estate Conferences and Events

Real estate conferences are a great way to keep up on the latest industry developments, network with other professionals, and gain knowledge and insights from the best in the business. But which conferences should you attend? And how should you organize your time while you’re there? The key to getting ...
Build Your Empire

Build Your Empire

00:24:40| Want to build an Empire? In this webinar, Jim Tannehill shares a  proven system of process and structure that will help grow and scale your business ...
Build Your Empire with Jim Tannehill

Build Your Empire with Jim Tannehill

00:24:39 | Hone Your Operations into a Fine Tuned Machine! Without systemized operations you can only grow your company to your capacity. Jim Tannehill will teach you a business operating system that helps you focus on your operational inefficiencies to get the most out of your current company and then grow ...
How to Create a Marketing and Sales System that Dominates Your Market

How to Create a Marketing and Sales System that Dominates Your Market

00:53:41 | Learn how to create a best in class lead generation, marketing and sales system that will set you apart from your competition like nothing else, and help you achieve financial and time freedom. Other Replays for this Event ...
The Importance of a Business Operating System

The Importance of a Business Operating System

If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, or investor, you may have never heard the term “business operating system.” At least I hadn’t when I began my entrepreneurial journey back in 2012. I did what any aspiring entrepreneur does and decided to chase my dreams. I’m a very experiential learner ...
How Do You Choose Good Real Estate Education?

How Do You Choose Good Real Estate Education?

In the early 1990s, if you had been looking for a course on real estate investing, you might have spent a fair amount of time and effort looking. In those days, internet access was uncommon. You had to go to the library and look for book if you wanted to ...
28 Free (or Inexpensive) REI Investor Tools

28 Free (or Inexpensive) REI Investor Tools

You’ve probably heard of the acronym OPM: Other People’s Money (not to be confused with the 1991 movie with Danny Davito). It’s an acronym that’s bandied about in the real estate world to refer to the money one can borrow from investors or lenders to increase purchasing power. Whether you ...
Building a Partnership That Thrives

Building a Partnership That Thrives

Think for a moment about a few of the most successful corporations in the world. It is a fair bet to claim that none of them ascended to their peaks alone. In fact, they likely had partners who were critical to their industry rise. Simply put, partnering with another company ...
6 Tips for Finding the Perfect Marketing Partner

6 Tips for Finding the Perfect Marketing Partner

Whether you’re trying to sell real estate, rent luxury properties, or both, you need a smart marketing strategy on your side. To get in front of your target audience and make conversions, partner with an agency you can trust, has experience in your industry, and who show you which channels ...
Faster Alone, Further Together

Faster Alone, Further Together

An often-quoted African proverb states: “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” It is advice you would be wise to heed. Why? Because it takes a team to build an Empire. Yes, you can be the emperor or leader, but you ...
Building a Strong Foundation For Your Relationships

Building a Strong Foundation For Your Relationships

Partnerships are as powerful as multiplication and addition. When you find the right partner—whether in your business efforts or a life relationship—you can accomplish more than you would going it alone. As wonderful as partnerships can be, however, they can equally be as detrimental. After being involved in more than ...
What Is Your Entrepreneur Community or Tribe?

What Is Your Entrepreneur Community or Tribe?

“Entrepreneurship is not only a mindset but a skillset.” —Michael Kapor In a recent article entitled “8 Entrepreneurship Trends You Need to Know (2022-2024),” Josh Howarth notes the rise of entrepreneurial communities. One example he offers is the site Indie Hackers, which supports entrepreneurs building online projects to generate revenue ...
4 Key Questions for Rapid Growth with Cole Taylor

4 Key Questions for Rapid Growth with Cole Taylor

00:31:59 |Want to find rapid growth in every are of your life and business? These 4 questions will both provide the path and set the pace for that growth. Other Replays for this Event ...
Economies of Scale: Building Your REI Business Across Multiple Markets

Economies of Scale: Building Your REI Business Across Multiple Markets

00:43:47 |This informational panel discusses how investors can grow their real estate portfolios efficiently by expanding into multiple markets. Other Replays for this Event ...
FREE WEBINAR! How To Scale From a Duplex to a 670 Unit Deal

FREE WEBINAR! How To Scale From a Duplex to a 670 Unit Deal

Think Realty is providing you with another FREE WEBINAR! On April 28th at 1PM (CST), Liz Faircloth  will be speaking about how to scale from a duplex to a 670 unit deal! Scaling a multifamily portfolio takes a lot of focus, hard work and resilience. Liz Faircloth and her husband ...
What Does Leadership for a Property Manager Look Like?

What Does Leadership for a Property Manager Look Like?

We’ve all attended leadership keynotes, workshops, and webinars. We are motivated by the presentations but in practice what does leadership look like in the real world?  In the book Good to Great they outline the attributes of a good leader which include being humble, supportive, a good communicator, coach, caring, ...
Growing a Strong Leadership Team

Growing a Strong Leadership Team

Having a successful venture in the real estate field is rarely done alone. With such a variety of strategies, asset types, and investment styles, only a fool would assume they could win long term, without a team. “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is ...
Ready to Not Go Solo?

Ready to Not Go Solo?

As your business grows, you talk business with the right person, or opportunities present themselves, every business owner contemplates bringing on a partner to take them to the next level. There are so many advantages to partnerships that can be formed in the business and real estate world, but before ...
Design a Life You Love Using Real Estate

Design a Life You Love Using Real Estate

When I think about design, I see it primarily as a thoughtful, proactive element in crafting our output and shaping outcomes in life. Other times, it is best seen in review, when looking back at our project or personal history. The fact is that I have always loved designing, whether ...