Michael Poggi

  • Published Author, National Speaker, Real Estate and Alternative Investment Spearhead Michael Poggi, the founder of TheMillionairesGroup.com and Poggi Wealth Institute, has been the industry’s leading authority in alternative wealth-building strategies. Michael Poggi is a nationally recognized public speaker and professional investor, developer and author. Michael speaks on how to buy real estate and invest in many other venues using your IRA or old 401K plan through the power of self directing it. In fact, he shows people how they can transform their IRA’s and 401K’s into completely self managing money making machines, creating cash flow monthly and TAX FREE. He also runs a private equity group that funds projects all over the world. In addition, Mr. Poggi is the President and Founder of The Millionaires Investment Group, based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. You can find Michael as a featured guest on the Money Talk radio shows. His company, Build Wealth With Land, LLC, is one of the largest land providers in the U.S., providing hundreds of secure vacant lots yearly to investors and builders. And amazingly, Michael does all of this legally Tax Free!

Think Realty Podcast #335 – Is Vacant Land the Key to Building Wealth? Insights from 28-Year Real Estate Pro, Michael Poggi!

Think Realty Podcast #335 – Is Vacant Land the Key to Building Wealth? Insights from 28-Year Real Estate Pro, Michael Poggi!

Are you sitting on a potential goldmine without even knowing it? Eddie sat down with real estate expert Michael Poggi to chat about an evergreen strategy for building wealth: investing in vacant land. But why is land such a powerful investment—even during economic ups and downs? You’ll learn: What makes ...
Build Wealth & Passive Income From Investing in Vacant Lots in Fast Growing Resort Communities with Michael Poggi

Build Wealth & Passive Income From Investing in Vacant Lots in Fast Growing Resort Communities with Michael Poggi

00:43:39 |You will learn how Michael Poggi was able to invest in quarter acre buildable lots in fast growing resort communities. He will teach you how he made massive appreciation and passive income from vacant lots all tax free using a self directed real estate IRA. His process is all ...
Build Wealth and Passive Income From Investing in Vacant Lots in Fast Growing Resort Communities with Michael Poggi

Build Wealth and Passive Income From Investing in Vacant Lots in Fast Growing Resort Communities with Michael Poggi

00:44:26 | You will learn how Michael Poggi was able to invest in quarter acre buildable lots in fast growing resort communities. He will teach you how he made massive appreciation and passive income from vacant lots all tax free using a self directed real estate IRA. His process is ...
How to Make Passive Income From Buildable Vacant Lots in Resort Communities

How to Make Passive Income From Buildable Vacant Lots in Resort Communities

00:30:02| Learn how Michael Poggi was able to invest in quarter acre buildable lots in fast growing resort communities. He will teach you how he made massive appreciation and passive income from vacant lots all tax free using a self directed real estate IRA Other Replays for this Event ...
How I Turned $500 into a Real Estate Fortune!

How I Turned $500 into a Real Estate Fortune!

Focusing on quarter-acre vacant lots in resort communities was the game-changer. When I started out over 20 years ago, I had just $500 to invest. But I quickly realized I could parlay that modest sum into controlling properties worth far more. How? By focusing on inexpensive quarter-acre buildable vacant lots ...
Think Realty Podcast #290 – Passive Investments From Vacant Lots to Resort Communities

Think Realty Podcast #290 – Passive Investments From Vacant Lots to Resort Communities

| Podcast | Investment Strategy
If you want to be a passive investor with a tried-and-true process and don’t want to wholesale, this is the podcast you NEED to watch! Eddie sat down with Michael Poggi from The Millionaires Real Estate Investment Group, to discuss how he went from being a Chicago stockbroker to investing ...