Jeff Roth

Flip the Script on Sustainability

Flip the Script on Sustainability

| Article | Fundamentals, Operations
Eco-friendly is not enough: a look at housing sustainability to set the stage for affordable homes. When we hear the word sustainability we think of environmental sustainability, which is undoubtedly important. But it’s not the only sustainability game in town. In fact, for people who cannot afford housing, it maybe ...
Be Your Own Housing Affordability Advocate

Be Your Own Housing Affordability Advocate

Educate your yourself and your clients to decrease expenses and achieve housing goals. Although housing affordability is an issue across the country, there are solutions. Here are seven questions to help you make housing more affordable for you and your clients: Can you change where you live? Do you buy ...
Adding Value Is Always on Trend

Adding Value Is Always on Trend

| Article | Operations
Change Is Constant, And The Best Way To Combat Change Is To Continuously Add Value. Change is a constant in the marketplace, and it can create uncertainty for us and the people we serve. How will the new rules for realtors affect buyers and sellers? How do the outcomes of ...
7 Steps to Adding Value to Your Network

7 Steps to Adding Value to Your Network

| Article | Operations
Being generous with your network increases your influence and opportunities. If you want to build a business that withstands economic downturns and grows without you constantly spending time and money to acquire new clients, then you must be intentional about your networking. If you work to add value to the ...
Design Your Day to Win

Design Your Day to Win

| Article | Fundamentals, Operations
The 10 “commandments,” or disciplines, for designing a successful day. What should you consider in your daily plan in order to win? There’s been a lot said on the topic of designing our days to include strategic disciplines. The key is to make these daily disciplines a habit. If you ...
The Power of a Good Mentor

The Power of a Good Mentor

| Article | Operations
Working with a good mentor not only helps you succeed but also raises the entire real estate investing industry. When I started my real estate investing career, there were no YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok videos, much less the internet’s easy access to on-demand real estate news and education. I know ...
Six Ways to Add Value to the Community as a Real Estate Professional

Six Ways to Add Value to the Community as a Real Estate Professional

Real estate professionals not only provide safe and attractive homes and offices but also improve property values and contribute to the community by paying taxes. We often read headlines about greedy landlords, evictions, and record lack of affordable housing. In spite of those headlines, real estate experts make significant contributions ...
Why Being an Affordability Advocate Matters

Why Being an Affordability Advocate Matters

| Article | Operations
Being an advocate matters. It’s good for clients and also for our business and long-term success. Housing affordability is concerning for most people, affecting most places in the country. Even in the relatively affordable Midwest, housing affordability is a growing problem. By the Numbers The 2023 State of the Nation’s ...
Midwest Multifamily Market Trends

Midwest Multifamily Market Trends

Although there is increased interest in Midwest multifamily investing, the pace of interest rate hikes has slowed activity. Still, optimism remains for 2024. “Investors, who are seeing rent growth fall, are consequently shifting their money into Midwestern markets where they are still finding slow but steady growth.” —Aarthi Swaminathan, MarketWatch ...
Creating Your Business Flywheel

Creating Your Business Flywheel

| Article | Operations
A good business flywheel compounds a business’ success and influence each time the organization repeats the steps. “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” — Ken Blanchard Jim Collins, author of “Good to Great,” wrote a short book to accompany it called “Turning the Flywheel.” In this ...
Designed For Success: Creating Achievable Goals

Designed For Success: Creating Achievable Goals

| Article | Operations
“To me, success is not about money. It’s about what I design.” —Paula Scher It doesn’t matter what your goals are. They can be real-estate-related, or real estate can be the investment vehicle that allows you to achieve your goals. The important thing is to be clear and specific about ...
Why Experience Is the Best Education

Why Experience Is the Best Education

| Article | Fundamentals, Operations
When I was getting started, there were no YouTube videos or podcasts. There were TV infomercials on how to get wealthy investing in real estate with a number to call to give your credit card information for guaranteed success. I did go to paid trainings, I read the books, and ...
Empathy As Advocacy

Empathy As Advocacy

| Article | Fundamentals, Operations
Empathy seems like an overused term lately. It conjures up visions of corporate mission statements that use the word empathy but in practice no one who works at the company or does business with it feels anything but empathy, compassion, or customer service. Some corporations have even adopted slogans like ...
What Is Your Entrepreneur Community or Tribe?

What Is Your Entrepreneur Community or Tribe?

“Entrepreneurship is not only a mindset but a skillset.” —Michael Kapor In a recent article entitled “8 Entrepreneurship Trends You Need to Know (2022-2024),” Josh Howarth notes the rise of entrepreneurial communities. One example he offers is the site Indie Hackers, which supports entrepreneurs building online projects to generate revenue ...
Good Design Can Make or Break Your Business

Good Design Can Make or Break Your Business

| Article | Fundamentals, Operations
The brilliant designer Paul Rand, who created logos for IBM, UPS, ABC, and many other companies, wrote in his book “A Designer’s Art” that “design is the silent ambassador of your brand.” Design is more than how something looks or is laid out. Good design understands your customer’s needs, wants, ...
A Property Manager’s Perspective on Investing in Real Estate

A Property Manager’s Perspective on Investing in Real Estate

Professional property managers have a lot of experience that can help both new and seasoned real estate investors make the best investment and property management decisions. I asked my property manager, Jill Powell, of 1st Choice Real Estate to share some of her insights into what investors should be considering ...