Neil Timmins

  • Neil J. Timmins is a real estate syndicator, broker, opportunist, and author. He generates passive income opportunities through industrial real estate in Cash Flow Country, the midwest. He has been involved in $300+ million in transactions and hosts the podcast, "Passive Real Estate Investing with Mavericks".

Designing Winning Investments for Top-Producing Real Estate Agents

Designing Winning Investments for Top-Producing Real Estate Agents

| Operations | Article, Syndication
To be successful investing in real estate syndications requires no small amount of skill and savviness. Every top-producing real estate agent or broker gets to the point in their career where they are forced to answer one critical question: Am I going to spend the next 10-15 years of my ...
The Art of Networking: A Realtor’s Advantage

The Art of Networking: A Realtor’s Advantage

| Article | Operations
Networking is important to growing your business, but not for the reason you might think. Your business is suffering because you don’t do this right: Network. The word may conjure up icky memories of stilted conversations about the weather or “Can you picture how that would help you (fill in ...
Lawsuit Outcome Portends Massive Changes for Realtors

Lawsuit Outcome Portends Massive Changes for Realtors

| Article | Legislation, Operations
To prepare, consider options like syndications. Realtors, change is coming for our industry. The jury in the Sitzer/Burnett versus NAR lawsuit ruled in favor of the home sellers to the tune of $1.8 billion and accused NAR (among others) of inflating commissions, hampering negotiations, steering listings, and inhibiting competition. The ...
How High-Earning Real Estate Agents Can Become “Agent-Optional”

How High-Earning Real Estate Agents Can Become “Agent-Optional”

Restore balance and sanity to your career without sacrificing income. Do you feel burned out? Uncertain of how much you will make this year? Tired of hustling? All four U.S. regions have posted year-over-year declines in home sales, according to the National Association of Realtors. The 30-year fixed-mortgage rates are ...
Will Small Loans Be the New Thing for Big Banks?

Will Small Loans Be the New Thing for Big Banks?

| Article | Funding
As the cost of deposits increases for smaller banks, will big banks make a run at the small to medium-sized loans the smaller banks have been providing? The 2008 financial crisis saw banks—big and small—in trouble. The federal government taught this country that it’s one thing if a community bank ...
Toilet Paper and Real Property

Toilet Paper and Real Property

Every investor must understand the opportunities reshoring creates. “Limit 2 per person.” “Limit 1 per Checkout.” It was common to run across purchase restrictions on “essential items” during the COVID-19 pandemic. And if a purchase limit didn’t apply, your plans to stock up on 30-roll packs of Kirkland’s finest 2-ply ...
Establishing Credibility in Commercial Real Estate

Establishing Credibility in Commercial Real Estate

Building a trustworthy reputation in the commercial industry is key to unlocking access to better deals and better opportunities. Here’s how. In my home state of Iowa, the person who cuts my hair went through 3,500% more training than the real estate agents who navigate people through one of the ...
Why Design Matters for Industrial Properties

Why Design Matters for Industrial Properties

According to the Annual Retail Trade Survey released by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2020, e-commerce sales increased by $244.2 billion, or 43%, in 2020. The rapid growth of online shopping is a contributing factor behind the rapacious demand for industrial real estate. One and two-day delivery timelines require drivers ...
28 Free (or Inexpensive) REI Investor Tools

28 Free (or Inexpensive) REI Investor Tools

You’ve probably heard of the acronym OPM: Other People’s Money (not to be confused with the 1991 movie with Danny Davito). It’s an acronym that’s bandied about in the real estate world to refer to the money one can borrow from investors or lenders to increase purchasing power. Whether you ...
Key Considerations for a Commercial Real Estate Partnership

Key Considerations for a Commercial Real Estate Partnership

A real estate partnership is no different from any other partnership in its basic purpose: mutual benefit through collaboration to achieve more together than can be accomplished alone. Steve Jobs distilled the benefit of collaboration this way: “Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by ...
Is It Time to Switch from Home Investing to Commercial?

Is It Time to Switch from Home Investing to Commercial?

Investing in property—land, hotels, office buildings, apartments, private homes—has long been a moneymaking proposition. Of course, a major investment company or builder, solidly financed and determined to produce only the very top of the line condominiums in Monaco will have different challenges and resources than the average investor. However, for ...