Investment Strategy

Learn about asset classes and investment methods that dial into strategies to meet your REI goals: Alternative Investing | Commercial | Funds | IRAs | Multifamily | Single Family | Syndication

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Investment Strategy

Learn about asset classes and investment methods that dial into strategies to meet your REI goals: Alternative Investing | Commercial | Funds | IRAs | Multifamily | Single Family | Syndication

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Demystifying the Process

Demystifying the Process

Setting Up a Self-Directed IRA is Not As Complicated As You Might Think We are often asked, “How do I go about setting up a self-directed IRA?” Many people think it is a complicated process because the idea is sold on the Internet as “an IRS loophole” or “little-known IRS secret” ...
5 Steps to Get You Started

5 Steps to Get You Started

Building Lasting Wealth for Your Future Technology has changed everything, including how we approach investing. In today's fast-paced world, companies providing financial and retirement services have had to adjust to meet consumer demand. New digital signature capabilities, online platforms and digital portals have provided consumers with on-demand access to their ...
Invest in Yourself

Invest in Yourself

Learn How Individual Retirement Accounts Can Work for Real Estate Investors Most people in America don’t have enough money for retirement. That’s a fact. Many people have retirement accounts, but they are lax with their personal oversight of their own investments. One way to turn the tide is by understanding ...
Start with the Basics

Start with the Basics

What Self-Directed IRAs Are All About As an avid real estate investor, you probably have heard about self-directed IRAs. Self-directed IRAs are one of the most powerful tools available for building wealth on a tax-deferred or tax-free basis. If the volatility in today’s traditional investment markets has wreaked havoc with ...
Case Study: Flipping a Duplex to a Single-Family Home

Case Study: Flipping a Duplex to a Single-Family Home

As an investor and a person who loves the water, when I read about an open house for a duplex that has water access and a deeded dock for $109,000, I sat up and took notice. When I read on to see it has an attached double garage and a ...
Where the Action Is

Where the Action Is

Transactions Involving Smaller Commercial Properties are on the Upswing Big trophy properties in larger cities have certainly benefited from the recent strong real estate market, but last year’s bigger story was about the recent resurgence of smaller commercial properties. Transactions involving assets priced under $5 million were at record levels ...
Singular Attraction

Singular Attraction

| R J Palano | Article | Single Family
Nothing is as Easy to Buy, Sell, Rent and Manage as Single-Family Houses Single-family houses are the easiest to understand of all real estate investments and the easiest to liquidate. Most people in the United States live in houses, so we are familiar with the care and maintenance a home ...
To the Rescue

To the Rescue

Investing in Probate Property Gives You a Way to Help Others While Also Benefiting Financially Ever stop to think about all of the different types of property we accumulate throughout our lifetime and what becomes of it when we are no longer around? What happens to someone’s property when he ...
On Second Thought

On Second Thought

Which One Makes the Most Financial Sense for Your Second Home: Vacation or Long-Term Rental? Second homes are increasing in popularity, with more and more Americans looking to buy vacation property. According to the National Association of Realtors, vacation-home sales accounted for 21 percent of all transactions in 2014, their ...
The Wholesaling Story

The Wholesaling Story

Bird-Dogging Provides a Way to Ease into Real Estate Investing Since you’re reading this, you probably recognize that real estate investing is one of the best vehicles for making money and achieving long-term financial success. Many people, however, may not have the money, experience or confidence to become real estate ...
Finding the Bulls-Eye

Finding the Bulls-Eye

There's a Method to Determining Where and Why to Buy Single-Fmaily Houses I recently met an investor of single-family properties who made this statement when I asked him where and why he buys houses: “I am very specific about the single-family homes that I invest in. I only buy three-bedroom, ...
Within Reach, at Last

Within Reach, at Last

| Zach Fuller | Article | Single Family
An Understanding of Private Equity Funds Will Help Smaller Investors Move Beyond Single-Family into Commercial Real Estate Commercial real estate investments bring immense benefits that an investor is hard-pressed to achieve with a portfolio that is limited to single-family homes. However, individual investors traditionally have shied away from this asset ...
The Customer is Always Right There

The Customer is Always Right There

Your Relationship with Your Clients is of Utmost Importance, So Set the Right Tone from the Start The customer relationship is vital to the success of any business. As real estate investors, we operate a unique type of business, but that doesn’t mean the value of relationships is any less ...
The Beauty of Buy-and-Hold

The Beauty of Buy-and-Hold

Did You Know You Have Five Profit Centers in Each of Your Rental Properties When You Keep Them for The Long Term? Most investment opportunities have one potential profit center. When you buy an index fund or a mutual fund or gold, for example, all you can really do is ...
Comings and Goings

Comings and Goings

Choosing the Right Entry and Exit Strategies Will Help Ensure a Positive Outcome for Your Fix-and-Flip Deals When you watch our show on HGTV, you usually see me and my wife going through a lot of crazy things while we fix and flip houses for our real estate investing business ...
Playing to Win with Mobile Homes

Playing to Win with Mobile Homes

In Real-Life Real Estate Investing, It Is About Whether You Win or Lose Have you ever played Monopoly and through well-played strategy ended up with expensive, money-making properties? Did you always win the game when you played? I will admit to being competitive when I play games. And I will ...
Understanding Equity Real Estate Investments Through Direct Participation Vehicles

Understanding Equity Real Estate Investments Through Direct Participation Vehicles

By Lawrence Fassler Some real estate crowdfunding companies offer equity real estate investments through “direct participation” investment vehicles such as limited liability companies (LLCs).  These entities, together with similar vehicles at the property title-holding level, allow for the “pass-through” of depreciation, interest expense and other deductions that can reduce or ...
Seattle Tops Hottest Single Family Markets

Seattle Again Tops List of “Hottest” U.S. Single-Family Markets

By The Editors Seattle, Portland, Nashville, Palm Beach County and Fort Lauderdale took the top spots on Ten-X’s recently released Top Single-Family Housing Markets Report for Spring 2016. These markets have displayed the most consistent combination of rising home prices, home appreciation, favorable affordability and excellent economic and demographic conditions ...
Investing Strategies Big or Small

Big Rocks or Small Stones: Where to Focus Your Real Estate Investments

Should you focus your attention on big deals or smaller ones? This is a question that applies not only to part-time real estate investors, but full-time investors as well. Let’s take a look at how you can determine which one is best for your circumstances. To provide some perspective, I’d ...
Think Realty Magazine March/April 2016

Think Realty Magazine March/April 2016

+ WHAT'S INSIDE The Big Picture |  More Choice, More Control • Riches in Niches • A Strategy for All Seasons • Buying By the Numbers • More Foreigners Investing in U.S. • Senior Housing is an Emerging Asset Cover Feature |  Quest to be the Best Up Close & ...
passive investor

Using IRAs to Invest in Real Estate

Your Self-Directed Retirement Account Albert Einstein is quoted as saying “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.” At Think Realty, we celebrate real estate investment as an asset class that embodies appreciation or compounding value ...
real estate investment

5 Things To Do To Make 2016 Your Best Investment Year Ever

In the fourth quarter of the year, I always hear investors talking about closing the year’s investments strong and wondering what the next year will have in store for them. This reminds me of a consultant friend of mine who said, “Predict the future by creating it.” Wise words indeed ...
How a beginning investor became an investment company owner in five years blog by Larry Arth

How a beginning investor became an investment company owner in five years

“I want to know everything you can teach me about real estate investing,” were the first words spoken by a gentleman who walked into my office. He said he had seen the words “investment property” underneath my office picture and wanted me to help him get underway. He said he ...
3 reasons to quit your day job and invest in real estate

3 reasons to quit your day job and invest in real estate

Many people seek real estate investing for various reasons. Here are the three major reasons that I’ve come to find why most people quit (or decide to replace) their day jobs with real estate investing: Reason No 1: Because working for someone else... STINKS “If you don’t build your dream, ...
Buying a house "subject to the mortgage" could be a home run deal blog by RJ Palano in his series Art of the Deal for Personal Real Estate Investor Magazine

Buying a house “subject to the mortgage” could be a home run deal

How would you like to come up to the plate in the bottom of the ninth inning, with two outs and with the go-ahead run on third? Every young baseball player imagines being in that position, or in a position to win the World Series. It’s like that in the real ...