Asset Protection Planning for Real Estate Investments

by Clint Coons | Dec 11, 2019 | Business Services, Operations, Products & Services, Webinar

01:09:18 | As a partner at Anderson Business Advisors & Law Group, Clint Coons is a real estate asset protection expert, avid real estate investor and Think Realty Coach. He wants to help every investor create a well-balanced plan so they can continue to grow their portfolio and have their capital and investments protected. On this webinar Clint will show you how to rollback the risk of taxes and creditors for greater rewards in your REI business. After Clint’s presentation, you will know:

  • How to use entities to keep from getting your *ss sued off
  • Why your current asset protection plan could be killing your real estate business and you don’t even know it
  • When to use an LLC versus a Corporation when investing in real estate
  • The secret language of land trusts and why this should be part of every real estate investors plan
  • Much, much more…
  • Clint Coons is a founding partner of Anderson Law Group and current manager of the Washington state office of Anderson Advisors, a legal, business and tax specialty company. Real estate investing is a major focus of his practice. A noted author and presenter on asset protection and tax reductions, Coons has gained national recognition as an expert in his field and is noted for his ability to take a complicated law or structure and explain it in clearly understandable terms. For more information, visit

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