
Explore everything from strategies to get the most bang for your buck to foundational knowledge that will get you ahead of the competition.
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Explore everything from strategies to get the most bang for your buck to foundational knowledge that will get you ahead of the competition.
Then find a reputable lender here.

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Think Realty Podcast #115 – Martin and Max Chera from Express Capital Financing

Think Realty Podcast #115 – Martin and Max Chera from Express Capital Financing

Think Realty CEO Eddie Wilson speaks with Father and Son team, Martin and David Chera from Express Capital Financing about the process of hard money deals. Learn about some of the programs that are currently available for investors to create wealth in real estate.  Plus, what are some of the ...
Think Realty Podcast #114 – Jason DeBono with Nuview Trust

Think Realty Podcast #114 – Jason DeBono with Nuview Trust

Why are self-directed accounts becoming so popular? How does the economy impact self-directed accounts? Is self-directed right for you? Vice President of NuView Trust, Jason DeBono answers these questions and more! For more information about NuView Trust, visit For more information about the Think Realty Baltimore Conference & Expo ...
Think Realty Podcast #113 – Daniel Huertas with Washington Capital Partners

Think Realty Podcast #113 – Daniel Huertas with Washington Capital Partners

What is the investor immortality complex? It’s something you want to avoid. Find out how on this episode! Also, knowing your bandwidth and financial limitations, how to talk with lenders to avoid taking out “the loan that broke the camel’s back,” and Abhi discusses Zumper’s National Rent Report for February ...
Talking Loudly: The History of Hard Money

Talking Loudly: The History of Hard Money

| Nathan Trunfio | Article | Funding
Typically, we think of credit as a relatively modern invention. However, “hard money” loans have been around since the earliest civilizations. The concept of hard money is one of the oldest kinds of credit financing. Many history experts believe that Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon during the 18th century B.C.E., ...
Think Realty Podcast #96 – Sam Jacknin and Charlie Einsmann from Clear Sky Financial

Think Realty Podcast #96 – Sam Jacknin and Charlie Einsmann from Clear Sky Financial

| Think Realty | Funding, Podcast
Delinquencies on hard money loans? Irrational exuberance of fix and flip buyers? Sam Jacknin and Charlie Einsmann from Clear Sky Financial tackle these topics plus consolidation in the hard money space and finding properties on “The Hidden Market.” Plus, what are Top Cities Where Millennials are Migrating? Find out that ...
Secrets of Discount and Flat-Fee Real Estate

Secrets of Discount and Flat-Fee Real Estate

| Editorial Staff | Article | Funding
Some principles are universal. One of these universal principles is that everyone, absolutely everyone, loves a discount. So when you’re selling your home, and you’re looking at giving up a 6% real estate agent commission, it’s understandable to be intrigued by the idea of a discount realtor. But another one ...

Before You Buy

After finding your next preferred project, you need to secure financing. Financing is just as important as buying a property, if not more so. You are in it for the long term — you will have to pay a mortgage for the next 15, 20 or 30 years. So, be ...

Top of Mind

| Aaron Chapman | Article | Funding
One would think a crowd of hundreds would be the place where an opportunity for personal time doesn’t exist, but it seems the larger the crowd, the more alone one can feel. I’ve experienced entering a room full of professionals and have found I can have plenty of alone time ...

Passion for Green

Photos by Beth Caldwell. When Chrissa Pagitsas first took on her executive leadership role at Fannie Mae in 2010, there was no existing road map to show how she should deliver on her mission: positive environmental and social outcomes through mortgage finance. “When I came on board there wasn’t the ...

3 Kinds of Cash to Build Your Kingdom

| Deborah Razo | Article | Funding
When it comes to making money in real estate investing and building your kingdom, there are really only three kinds of cash to be aware of: Cash Now, Cash Monthly, and Cash Later. 1. Cash Now Let’s face it, we need money to live and pay the bills. Without this ...
Commercial web

Banks Still Want to Lend

It seems like everyone, from the investors I meet at local meetups to the national news media, is talking about interest rates going up. In fact, I sometimes feel as if we have been talking about this for almost 10 years now. While it is certainly true that interest rates ...

Using the Time Value of Money to Increase Your Profits in Note Investing

Most real estate investors understand the importance of the return on investment (ROI) of a deal. However, they often overlook an important factor in ROI: time. Time has a monetary value, and it differs from investor to investor and strategy to strategy. In note investing, the faster you earn back ...
Security Tokens

Investing in the Age of the New Financial Internet

There has been so much going on in the world of internet technology and finance over the past few years, it is easy to get confused and left behind. First, there was the cryptocurrency craze (mainly bitcoin, but a few others as well) that powered online payments. That made way ...
3 Things You Can Learn from Your Hard-Money Lender

3 Things You Can Learn from Your Hard-Money Lender

There are many legitimate reasons to use a hard money lender. Compared to traditional lenders, hard money lenders can offer faster funding, flexible construction draws, no prepayment penalties, and a willingness to look beyond a specific borrower’s credit blemishes. This might beg the question, “When would a hard money lender ...
Section 1031

Section 1031’s Journey from Obscurity

The journey of the tax code pursuant to IRC section 1031 is striking when viewed against this moment in United States real estate history. Never before have U.S. real estate investors acquired and stood with so much appreciation in real estate in such a short period of time. Never before ...
2 percent

Be Wary of the 2 Percent Rule

Anyone who’s been in real estate long has heard of the various percent rules floating about; the 70 percent rule, the 50 percent rule and the dreaded 2 percent rule. These rules are, of course, just rules of thumb to be helpful guides when evaluating properties. But while I believe ...

Credit, Using it Creatively & Responsibly

I once used a promotional “zero-percent-interest-and-zero-points" cash advance feature on my $25,000-limit credit card to buy a $25,000 property. Then, I refinanced it with a local community bank at 100 percent loan-to-cost (75 percent loan-to-appraised- value) within six months, right before the initial interest free period expired. That credit card ...

Roth IRAs: The Best Legacy-Building Tool

If you leave nothing else for your loved ones, be sure that they inherit a Roth IRA from you. Even if the account has a tiny balance, leaving behind a Roth IRA provides a legacy benefit of overwhelming value: a lifetime of tax-free investment profits. In short, an inherited IRA ...
project management

Project Management for Better Productivity

Real estate investors often find themselves overwhelmed, which is one of the main sources of disappointment in this popular industry for new investors. Ask any active investor at a local real estate investors’ association (REIA) meeting what surprised them when they started investing full-time, and most will mention that they ...

1031 Exchange & the Role of the Agent

While most real estate transactions conducted in the United States have a real estate agent involved, not many of them are clear about their role in the 1031 Exchange. What should the role of the agent be with the principals in the transaction and what duties, if any, can the ...

3 Effects Tax Cuts Could Have on Economy & Housing

When President Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on December 22, 2017, he accomplished a number of things with a single swipe of a pen. Those things included: Cutting the corporate tax rate from 35 to 21 percent Cutting the top individual tax rate to 37 percent Reducing ...

FHA May Refuse to Insure Loans on Energy Efficient Properties

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) recently released new restrictions on the types of mortgages it will insure and eliminated certain energy-efficient homes in the process. In early December 2017, the FHA reversed a policy from the previous presidential administration that allowed the FHA to insure mortgages on homes carrying liens ...

Tax Cuts & Jobs Act May Help Marketplace Investors

The commercial real estate industry clearly benefits from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act recently passed by Congress and signed into law by President Trump. Even changes to the individual mortgage interest deduction and other limits on homeowner deductions may actually end up aiding the market for value-add multifamily projects ...
Proposed Tax Reform Could Impact REIs

Proposed Tax Reform Could Impact REIs

The proposed tax reform hit the internet last week. Though there are likely to be many changes and revisions, in its current form, there are many impacts to those who invest in real estate. Let’s explore these. Changes in Deductions The proposed tax reform has changed, reduced, and eliminated many ...
Bitcoin Appears in More Real Estate Closings

Bitcoin Appears in More Real Estate Closings

Cryptocurrency has been slow to take hold in real estate, making an appearance mainly when a seller hopes to garner media attention for a listing rather than as a serious form of payment. However, the controversial currency bitcoin, which is now accepted in many retail locations and restaurants in the ...