Kat Hungerford

  • Kat Hungerford is the digital project manager for Think Realty and the American Association of Private Lenders, specializing in operations, business automation, website development, and marketing.

Title Companies and Your Wholesaling Business

Title Companies and Your Wholesaling Business

You have jumped into the wholesaling world, and you are ready to complete a transaction and ensure the investment pays off. But you question, “How can I be confident this deal will go through free and clear?” It’s simple, use a title company. A title company will certify the property ...
Scale Safely with Private Money

Scale Safely with Private Money

| Article | Funding
Leverage. OPM. Financing. Capital. Funding. For a real estate investor, the ability to scale comes down to money. Banks and credit unions will only complete so many transactions with an investor before closing the door — if they will fund an REI deal at all. So, most investors looking to ...