Think Realty Podcast #269 – AAPL: The Complement of Think Realty

by Eddie Wilson, Linda Hyde | May 2, 2023 | Funding, Podcast

Are you a real estate investor and don’t know about AAPL? You could be missing out on meeting the right people and making more of a profit! Eddie sat down with AAPL & Think Realty Managing Director, Linda Hyde, to discuss what AAPL is and how membership could be valuable to you. They discuss the AAPL code of ethics, how to determine the legitimacy of a lender, and why going to AAPL’s annual conference could benefit a real estate investor’s future deals. Plus they discuss what changes in the industry they see for the rest of the year. For more information, visit

Categories | Funding | Podcast
  • An entrepreneur and visionary by nature, Eddie’s widespread interests have led to successful ventures across the globe, from operating non-profits and owning an ad agency that worked with well-known household brands, to investing in hundreds of real estate projects and building a nationally syndicated radio show. Today, he guides AAPL and Think Realty with his marketing, funding, and real estate investing knowledge to ensure their establishment as the premier organizations in their sectors.

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