Linda Hyde

Opening Remarks with Linda Hyde & Carmen Fields

Opening Remarks with Linda Hyde & Carmen Fields

00:03:18 |Linda Hyde and Carmen Fields kick off the event in Tampa by welcoming attendees and giving a brief introduction to Think Realty.  Other Replays for this Event ...
Think Realty Podcast #269 – AAPL: The Complement of Think Realty

Think Realty Podcast #269 – AAPL: The Complement of Think Realty

| Podcast | Funding
Are you a real estate investor and don’t know about AAPL? You could be missing out on meeting the right people and making more of a profit! Eddie sat down with AAPL & Think Realty Managing Director, Linda Hyde, to discuss what AAPL is and how membership could be valuable ...

Where Can You Find Funding You Can Trust?

| Article | Sponsored
We at the American Association of Private Lenders field hundreds of emails and phone calls monthly asking for referrals to lenders that real estate investors can trust. We’ve heard the bait-and-switch stories, the haphazard and stressful closings, the exhausting search of shopping a deal around. Real estate investors are looking ...