Time itself is an investment. Often, you put in time for a very specific purpose or to achieve a certain goal. That goal could be to obtain more time. For real estate investors, the initial investment of your time may mean you later have additional days to spend with family or in leisure due to earnings from the original investment. Some of us may even create a legacy so that our investments can have an impact far into the future as a product of our original stakes. Our view of time and its value is personal and possibly direction setting for each of us.

Here we’ve compiled responses from investors and experts in our field regarding their view of time. Speak to them in person during the Think Realty Conference and Expo – Dallas on February 24th-25th!

Time represents investment and ultimately productivity.  Spending time learning, networking, and building a strong foundation in any new endeavor will always pay dividends down the road once you are ready to act.

– Jon Shipley, Longhorn Investments III

Time is our most important resource, our true wealth.  It is captured best in the Dr. Seuss quote “Sometimes you will never know the value of something, until it becomes a memory.” ― Dr. Seuss.

You want to learn to take the breath, step back and realize that each day is packed with events whether work/family or friends that we are blessed to have.

-Linda Liberatore, Secure Pay One

On working full-time:

“Most financial advisors will tell you that you simply cannot have a better lifestyle in retirement than you did while you were working full time. Most financial advisors are wrong.”

-Edwin Kelly, Specialized IRA Services

Time is a daily gift and that new start each day feels like a chance to have a do-over if I wasn’t pleased with how I invested my time the previous day.  The primary reason I love being an entrepreneur in business is the choices I get to make about how I use my time.

-Julie Ziglar Norman, Prime Properties

Time is our most valuable commodity.  Most people tend to sell their time to their employers, often at a deep discount and in sacrifice of their own goals and dreams.  We like to buy our own time through investing so that we have the opportunity to live a fulfilled life.

-Ben Fredricks, Odell Barnes REO

Time is an investment and precious commodity that I choose to use wisely in my work and personal life.

-Linda Hyde, AAPL

It is easy to get caught up in not having enough time, and often this is true.  Time is a precious commodity that to be utilized and conserved wisely.  When demands add up, prioritization is the key – I often wake up to dozens of emails that request my time in one way or another.  These are often other people’s priorities, and not mine.  It is important to focus on what you need to do first, then look at what other people want you to do.  Keep your eye on the goal and the path leading to that larger goal, as that’s what is going to define your success.

-Susan Dupont, SGF Contracting

Time is what we are all seeking and striving for.  I generally ask a question on my sales calls of what are you looking for, and it always comes down to financial freedom to have the time to do what they want.  Having TIME is freedom and control.

-Ryan Burke, Prime Properties Realty

I believe that awareness of time is what constantly drives evolution. Especially after having children, watching them change so rapidly in such a short amount of time shows how quickly our lives move. This makes me focus on changing my strategies so that I can grow smarter. Time is a constant reminder that growth should be efficient and when something doesn’t work, you should admit it and restructure, rather than force something to work that doesn’t.

-Brian Spitz, Big State Home Buyers

Time means that it is inevitable that you will get the funding you want by using the Million Dollar Funding formula.

-Jessica Guisinger, Credit Sense

What does “Time” mean to you? What “Time” means to me is that it’s the most sought-after thing. We need to give time more respect in business and create focus in our businesses that allows us to be efficient, have productive meetings (Stop the got a minute meetings), be present in the moment to take full advantage of the time we have.

-Gary Harper, Sharper Business Solutions

Personally, time is everything to me. The most precious commodity that I have to offer, and the one I take most for granted. With insurance, time can make or break a deal. This is why we built our REIGuard insurance program the way we did. To be able to respond quickly and efficiently to the needs of the residential real estate investor when it comes to adequately insuring their investment properties.

-Shawn Woedl, NREIG

Time means the opportunity to create sustainable generational wealth for yourself and your loved ones.

-James Wachob, Memphis Investment Properties

I believe that awareness of time is what constantly drives evolution. Especially after having children, watching them change so rapidly in such a short amount of time shows how quickly our lives move. This makes me focus on changing my strategies so that I can grow smarter. Time is a constant reminder that growth should be efficient and when something doesn’t work, you should admit it and restructure, rather than force something to work that doesn’t.

-Brian Spitz, Big State Home Buyers

This article is preconference coverage from just one of our speakers offering learning sessions at our Think Realty Dallas 2018 Conference & Expo. Check back for more preconference coverage up until the event followed with post conference coverage. Don’t miss your chance to learn all you can with Think Realty! For tickets to this exciting event, click here.
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  • We believe in the positive, life-changing impact of real estate investing. Our mission is to help investors achieve their goals to build wealth, better manage time, and live a life full of purpose.

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