Three of Think Realty’s Resident Experts will attend the Think Realty National Conference & Expo in Baltimore, Maryland, on June 24, 2017. Sonia Booker (“The Wealth Builder”), Abhi Golhar (“The Connector”), and Eddie Wilson (“The Deal Maker” and president of Think Realty parent company, Affinity Worldwide) will be in attendance. The Resident Experts will be available to meet members of Think Realty and Expo attendees personally in the Think Realty booth during the event.
“I love Think Realty events because it’s just so obvious that the organization cares about the investor,” said Golhar, whose specialty niche is wholesaling with a healthy dose of networking and marketing acumen thrown in for good measure.
“It’s such an amazing platform for people to learn real estate,” Booker, who specializes in goal-setting and effective wealth-building, added. “There are so many facets to real estate investing, and it’s our job to help investors find the paths that fit their goals, their budgets, their lifestyles.”
Wilson, the expert on all things related to “the deal” including private lending, agreed, saying, “To me, it’s all about the opportunity. Our events provide real estate investors the opportunity not just to learn about and understand current market trends in their local areas and nationally, but also to meet the people, like Think Realty Resident Experts, who can help them effectively leverage the information that they are learning.”
All three experts have full courses online and recently went back to the studio to record expansions and updates based directly on their interactions with current Think Realty students. “One of my favorite parts about making the courses is that I get to tell people my exact criteria [when I make a private loan or do a real estate deal],” said Wilson.
“We’re just really open,” added Golhar. “It’s so fun to just lay everything out there for people to use based on the best materials you can find and your own experiences.”
Booker summed it up: “Real estate is a vehicle that allows you to build your wealth, and a platform like Think Realty’s commitment to providing information and really good faith tools is something that you don’t pass up.”
Booker, Golhar, and Wilson will all personally attend the Think Realty’s National Conference & Expo on June 24, 2017, in Baltimore, Maryland. Reserve your spot at the trainings and your opportunity to meet the Resident Experts here.