Think Realty is deeply saddened by the current events in our nation. We believe that all people are created equal and that every person — regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or religion — deserves respect and common decency. Equality is a basic human right that all people deserve.

We also believe in justice. In times of unrest and oppression we stand with those who are oppressed, and we also stand with those who deserve justice.

It is said that all human motivations are driven by love or fear. We know that the only thing that can conquer fear and hate is love. We also know that violence is not the answer. We hope that in the days ahead our constituents will check their own motives and make sure that we are acting out of love and a wish for equality among all people. It is our hope that you will stand with your neighbors and communities to support those who are hurting.

Our purpose is to provide advocacy, a voice for our members, and a face for the real estate investing industry. We feel ill-equipped to make statements regarding such huge matters as human rights and equality. We try to reserve our voice for those issues pertaining to real estate but feel compelled in this moment to not stay silent when we have a platform from which to speak.

We hope for a day where our nation can find unity and stand together.


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  • Eddie Wilson

    An entrepreneur and visionary by nature, Eddie’s widespread interests have led to successful ventures across the globe, from operating non-profits and owning an ad agency that worked with well-known household brands, to investing in hundreds of real estate projects and building a nationally syndicated radio show. Today, he guides AAPL and Think Realty with his marketing, funding, and real estate investing knowledge to ensure their establishment as the premier organizations in their sectors.

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