What are Preferred Returns & Why Are They Important?

by Flip & Dani Lynn Robison | Feb 22, 2023 | Funds, Investment Strategy, Syndication, Webinar

00:05:38 | In larger investments where you are pooling funds from a group of investors like syndications and funds, investors should ask if it is a preferred return? In other words, will I get paid before you get paid? This aligns with the interests of all concerned.

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  • Flip & Dani Lynn Robison are the Co-Founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group family of companies based out of Centerville, Ohio with almost 50 team members and growing. They have bought and sold over 1,500 properties and have ownership in over 600 multifamily units. Together they are hosts of “Freedom Through Passive Income" Podcast, a 365 Day Series sharing their Freedom Journey.

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