The First Deal Ignites the Path to Freedom

by | Oct 18, 2024 | Investment Strategy, Webinar

00:08:40 | When people land their first deal, it’s a major milestone—like a baby taking their first step. Once they overcome that initial fear of the unknown, it builds confidence and fuels the passion to keep going. We had our own doubts about buying apartments, but we went ahead anyway. Now, Flip & Dani have launched a new company, Freedom Capital Investments, and it all started by taking that first step.

  • Flip & Dani Lynn Robison

    Flip & Dani Lynn Robison are the Co-Founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group family of companies based out of Centerville, Ohio with almost 50 team members and growing. They have bought and sold over 1,500 properties and have ownership in over 600 multifamily units. Together they are hosts of “Freedom Through Passive Income" Podcast, a 365 Day Series sharing their Freedom Journey.

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