Titan Talk Featuring Madina Shaik Hosted by Eddie Wilson

by , | Mar 31, 2023 | Podcast, Profiles

Madina Shaik is the titan of multifamily. With extremely humble beginnings and only a few years in the industry, Madina rivals some of the largest privately held portfolios. He made his fortune in technology, but has since shifted his focus to purchasing large assets in large quantities. Listen as Madina Shaik from Makaan Investment Group shares his vision on how to create generational wealth. For more information about Makaan Investment Group, visit https://www.makaaninvestmentgroup.com/


Categories | Podcast | Profiles
Tags | Titan Talk
  • Eddie Wilson

    An entrepreneur and visionary by nature, Eddie’s widespread interests have led to successful ventures across the globe, from operating non-profits and owning an ad agency that worked with well-known household brands, to investing in hundreds of real estate projects and building a nationally syndicated radio show. Today, he guides AAPL and Think Realty with his marketing, funding, and real estate investing knowledge to ensure their establishment as the premier organizations in their sectors.

  • Madina Shaik

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