“This Is an Actual Crisis in Our Country That Will Affect Every Single Person We Know for the Next 20 Years.”

by Eddie Wilson, Isabelle Guarino | May 28, 2024 | Alternative Investing, Investment Strategy, Podcast

If Residential Assisted Living is so profitable to an investor, why aren’t more people doing it? Eddie sat down with Isabelle Guarino from Residential Assisted Living Academy to take a deep dive into how Residential Assisted Living works, why it’s beneficial and how an investor can succeed. They chat about how Isabelle went from an operations role in the company to a visionary role, how someone can become a visionary in real estate investing, and what opportunities lie within Residential Assisted Living. Plus, they talk about the high cash flow with RAL and why she doesn’t keep all the profits to herself. For more information, visit ResidentialAssistedLivingAcademy.com.

  • An entrepreneur and visionary by nature, Eddie’s widespread interests have led to successful ventures across the globe, from operating non-profits and owning an ad agency that worked with well-known household brands, to investing in hundreds of real estate projects and building a nationally syndicated radio show. Today, he guides AAPL and Think Realty with his marketing, funding, and real estate investing knowledge to ensure their establishment as the premier organizations in their sectors.

  • Isabelle is a graduate from Arizona State University, a former flight attendant, Walt Disney World intern and now Residential Assisted Living Academy’s leading lady. She has been working as the COO of the company for the last 10 years, keeping everyone in line and on task. She's been featured in many magazines and articles on the topic of Senior Housing and most recently was given the title as one of the "Top Influencers in Senior Housing". Isabelle also won Aging Media's "the Future Leaders of Assisted Living" award twice in 2020 and 2024 being 2 of 100's under 30 to make the list.

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