The 4 Markets Ripe for Gut Jobs, with Carole Ellis

by Think Realty | Oct 11, 2018 | Podcast

Carole VanSickle Ellis joins Abhi and Think Realty Radio for another enlightening interview. This time around, the two discuss a unique list in the upcoming edition of Think Realty Magazine: the four markets around the nation that are ripe for gut jobs!

Carole is Think Realty Magazine’s Editor in Chief. She talks about the markets that make up the list and the process for identifying them as good gut job candidates. Her and Abhi also fully immerse the conversation into each market their unique characteristics.

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Greg isn’t crazy about spending too much money—like $50,000 to $100,000—on housing renovations when you’re flipping. His perspective is that who owns the most of America wins. This means buying properties that don’t need many renovations at all, which allows for slow, steady growth and income.

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