Leveraging Lenders with Noel Christopher

by Think Realty | Nov 30, 2018 | Podcast

Noel Christopher, SVP of Renters Warehouse, and Abhi take a break from their weekly segment of real estate news talk. Instead, they discuss leveraging private money lenders, finding reliable industry experts, and more!

Building Lender Rapport 

Finding and establishing a relationship with a local lender is key to scaling your REI portfolio from 2-4 properties to 25-40. And with more nontraditional forms of lending now available for investors, it’s easier to pick and choose the right type of lender for your specific REI needs.

Asset Protection

Single and multi-family property owners are ripe for liability. So, it’s important to find experts you can trust and lean on for expertise, like a real estate attorney, when you’re structuring your LLC or insurance policy.

Rookie SFR Investor Mistakes

You’re never going to grow your portfolio if you can’t take care of the properties you have. Having reserve funds for maintenance and unforeseen issues should be the top priority for new investors looking to grow their business.

To learn more about Noel Christopher and Renters Warehouse, visit RentersWarehouse.com.

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