Gary Harper

  • Gary is the CEO of Sharper Business Solutions. Gary spent 13 years as an executive in a Fortune 500 company where he handled the process of evaluating companies operation expenses and helped them to reach new levels of efficiencies. He began investing in real estate in 2004 and has taken his expertise in business systems and process management and developed a program to help real estate investors position themselves to scale their business to new levels.

Gary's Resident Expert Courses

Module 1 – Introduction to Leadership
Resident Expert Course: Leadership
Scaling your REI business means building a team — and then leading that team. In this course, Resident Expert Gary Harper leads viewers through the mindset of successful leaders, along with hands-on, practical techniques to engage your team.
Module 1 – Introduction to Leadership
Resident Expert Course: Process Management
How you do operations is what ultimately defines the long-term success or failure of your REI business. Learn from Resident Expert Gary Harper about creating and following a process to build momentum and achieve your goals.

All Content

Module 1 – Introduction to Leadership

Module 1 – Introduction to Leadership

00:10:08 | Gary Harper, personal and business coach for real estate investors, discusses the difference between being a dictator and a leader. He tells a story about a career-focused salesman named Matt who has a boss who is a dictator and controls everything—from the way he works, to what he ...
Module 2 – Create Focus and Vision

Module 2 – Create Focus and Vision

00:08:54 | It's easy to get caught up in the success of your business and lose vision of your goals. Gary Harper is back and wants to tell us why having success in one niche does not necessarily mean we can do it all. He gives insight on how you ...
Module 3 – Take Ownership

Module 3 – Take Ownership

00:06:53 | Gary’s back to discuss taking ownership of your business, regardless of your success or failures. He mentions the importance of making it about “we” instead of “me,” and has great insight on how you can take the responsibility of being a good leader. Other Videos in This Course ...
Module 4 – Create The Right Culture

Module 4 – Create The Right Culture

00:05:08 | This episode is all about creating the culture you have in mind for your business. Culture has to come from you. You need to understand your core values so it can be passed down to the people you hire. Gary gives great tips on how you can determine ...
Module 5 – Find the Right Tools

Module 5 – Find the Right Tools

00:05:21 | Providing proper tools for your employees should never be undervalued. These tools can include software, but the most important are tools based on your employees and their performance. Gary talks about specific tools you can use to manage and evaluate your employees so you can help them grow ...
Module 6 – Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

Module 6 – Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

00:08:22 | You guessed it! Gary wants to stress the importance of communication. He wants to help you communicate in the proper and most efficient way. There are plenty of channels of communication you can use, like the convenience of apps, but Gary wants you to establish and engage in ...
Module 7 – The Right Steps to Make the Right Hire

Module 7 – The Right Steps to Make the Right Hire

00:06:35 | In the final episode on leadership, Gary wants to take you through the proper steps to hire. He offers great insight on how to establish who you want to hire, and talks you through the steps of making your new employee comfortable and knowledgeable when going through the ...
Module 1 – Introduction to Process Management

Module 1 – Introduction to Process Management

00:03:58 | In his course, The Importance of Process Management, Gary Harper helps you identify and eliminate single points of failure. He wants to help take your company and business to the next level. Learn about processes and how to go about process mapping so you can apply it and gain ground ...
Module 2 – Standard Operating Procedure Guides

Module 2 – Standard Operating Procedure Guides

00:06:47 | Gary is back to discuss Standard Operating Procedure Guides. Gone are the days of 500-1,500 page documents that sit on company shelves and accumulate dust. Gary helps us understand that these guides and documents are still very important, but they need to fit into the 21st Century and ...
Module 3 – Where to Start on Process Optimization

Module 3 – Where to Start on Process Optimization

00:05:18 | We have discussed a few options for getting your processes in place, but where do you start? In this episode, we go over how to organize and set up your systems through process mapping. From operational to sales/marketing and finances, Gary covers each of these. Other Videos in ...
Module 4 – Document Your Process Map

Module 4 – Document Your Process Map

00:07:01 | In today’s episode, Gary tells a story to explain why process mapping is so crucial. We need to figure out where we want to start and the different processes we want to include. He shows us how, using a professional software called Lucidchart. Other Videos in This Course ...
Module 5 – Make Your Process “Lean”

Module 5 – Make Your Process “Lean”

00:09:56 | In this episode, we learn about leaning out the process as an essential part of mapping and documentation. Documentation is very important, but leaning the process is a very important aspect. We do that by taking the process and finding ways to be more productive with it. In ...
Module 6 – Streamline Your Process, Streamline Your Map

Module 6 – Streamline Your Process, Streamline Your Map

00:08:07 | Gary explains how we will take everything we’ve learned in the previous videos and incorporate the changes into the map we choose. It is all about making it more streamlined. We will create a cycle time for this map and figure out how long it takes us to ...
Module 7 – Improving Efficiency

Module 7 – Improving Efficiency

00:07:23 | Once we have created our process, we have to focus on accountability. This gives us the opportunity to hold the process accountable to our expectations. We will learn about productivity reports so we can find out how long the process actually takes and how to find a way ...
Process Map Your Way to Success

Process Map Your Way to Success

| Article | Fundamentals, Operations
Many real estate investors can grow their companies to a point, but then no matter how hard they grind, the desired success doesn’t follow. What’s keeping these companies from achieving their full potential? If this scenario sounds familiar, what your company is likely missing is an established process. The best ...
Metrics Matter!

Metrics Matter!

| Article | Fundamentals, Operations
Fred and Tom were two young entrepreneurs who had just partnered to start a business. Unfortunately, they were struggling because they didn’t know their numbers, and they weren’t adjusting their business accordingly. “I don’t know what’s wrong,” said Fred, looking despondently at Tom. “We’ve been working hard to make this ...

Growing a Healthy Business

| Article | Operations
If you are a new business owner, you must wear many hats until the company achieves a level of success to warrant support staff. You might find yourself being everything from CEO to receptionist. Eventually, though, most business owners will start replacing themselves, which is the proper way to grow ...
Sharper Tips

Sharper Tips

| eBook | Operations
| 39 pages | 5,821 words | .5 hour read | Excerpt Most entrepreneurs I run across are running around blind, one bad week away from disaster. That however, is the exact reason why most businesses & start ups fail so quick after starting. Be Different You have one shot ...
business systems

Business Systems: Letting Go Without Losing Control

| Article | Operations
If you were to step away from your business completely, what would happen? If that question just gave you the chills, then I have a few more for you: Do you feel your business owns you instead of you owning the business? Do you see poor communication between your departments? ...