Flip & Dani Lynn Robison

  • Flip & Dani Lynn Robison are the Co-Founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group family of companies based out of Centerville, Ohio with almost 50 team members and growing. They have bought and sold over 1,500 properties and have ownership in over 600 multifamily units. Together they are hosts of “Freedom Through Passive Income" Podcast, a 365 Day Series sharing their Freedom Journey.

7 Ways to Evaluate Investment Options

7 Ways to Evaluate Investment Options

00:07:18| In this Video, Flip and Dani talk about seven ways to evaluate investment options. Make sure you look at your specific situation because everybody's different, every situation is different. And you decide what you need most ...
Six Steps to Successfully Invest in a Real Estate Syndication

Six Steps to Successfully Invest in a Real Estate Syndication

00:07:03| You’re ready to take a step closer to freedom through passive income and invest in syndications, what’s next? ...
3 Critical Steps You Should Take Before Investing In Your First Real Estate Syndication

3 Critical Steps You Should Take Before Investing In Your First Real Estate Syndication

00:06:18| Let’s talk about what to do first before dipping your toe in the Syndication pool. Are you curious about the starter steps? Here’s 3 of them for you right here! ...
Classes of Properties in Real Estate and Which One is Best

Classes of Properties in Real Estate and Which One is Best

00:06:51 | There are two different classes of properties. There's class of property and then there's class of neighborhood. They are two different things. Watch this and learn your A, B, C, and D’s of class ...
Single Family Versus Multi Family

Single Family Versus Multi Family

00:08:45 | Listen in for a fast breakdown of the pros and cons of single family (1-4 units) and multi family (5+ units) real estate investing. Flip and Dani-Lynn are actively doing deals everyday in BOTH categories ...
3 Myths of Out of State Investing

3 Myths of Out of State Investing

00:06:57 | Flip and Dani crush 3 common myths that often keep investors from investing in more advantageous markets simply because the opportunities are in a different state ...
Self Directed IRA: How to Use Retirement Accounts to Invest in Real Estate

Self Directed IRA: How to Use Retirement Accounts to Invest in Real Estate

00:10:22 | How much are in 401K accounts? What is the average amount in accounts by age group? What rate of return do you need to be earning to outpace inflation? What can you do with this knowledge? If you have a retirement account with a past employer, move it ...
Three Types of Freedom

Three Types of Freedom

00:06:14 | Everyone has a personal view of what freedom means to them. Which of the three freedoms Dani and Flip mention means the most to you? Do you have another face of freedom you want to tell us about? Share in the comments! ...
Why Real Estate Versus Other Investments

Why Real Estate Versus Other Investments

00:09:48 | Flip and Dani compare real estate versus other investments i.e. crypto bandwagon, banks, retirement accounts, etc. Here are the benefits of investing in Real Estate: Cash Flow and Passive Income, Appreciation, Tax Benefits, Leverage, Principal Pay Down, Cash Out Refinance, Inflation and last but not least, It's a ...
Investing and the Value of Time

Investing and the Value of Time

00:09:03 | Flip and Dani define and give examples of the three components that affect investing via the value of time. Inflation, Simple Interest & Compound Interest ...
What are Preferred Returns & Why Are They Important?

What are Preferred Returns & Why Are They Important?

00:05:38 | In larger investments where you are pooling funds from a group of investors like syndications and funds, investors should ask if it is a preferred return? In other words, will I get paid before you get paid? This aligns with the interests of all concerned ...
How to Choose Which Investment Vehicle is Best For You

How to Choose Which Investment Vehicle is Best For You

00:09:14| What are you seeking, which suits your appetite the best? Which has the fastest turnaround potential? Where can you get cash flow? What about tax benefits? Which one will I have the most control over? Find out the main differences here to help you decide ...
Flipping Versus Turnkey Versus Syndications

Flipping Versus Turnkey Versus Syndications

00:07:44 | Flip and Dani give a brief overview of the pros and cons of 3 different real estate investing methods; flipping, turnkey, and syndication investing. They also talk about the level of involvement for each method, which requires active, semi-passive, and passive involvement ...
The Stock Market Versus Real Estate

The Stock Market Versus Real Estate

00:07:27 | There are 5 areas investors review when analyzing investment opportunities. How do stocks and real estate compare in each area? Flip and Dani discuss their opinion on the matter ...
Tax Benefits For Passive Real Estate Investors

Tax Benefits For Passive Real Estate Investors

00:09:28 | Flip and Dani talk about the tax benefits of real estate investing. They list out the scores of incentives to real estate investing that you need to know, all under 10 minutes. It’s not always how much a deal makes, it’s how much you get to keep! ...
Real Estate Syndications – What Are They & Why Do We Love Them?

Real Estate Syndications – What Are They & Why Do We Love Them?

00:07:21 | Flip and Dani talk about Real Estate Syndications. It is a partnership between several investors. They combine their skills, resources, and capital to purchase and manage a property they otherwise cannot or prefer not to purchase alone ...
FUNDS: Syndications & Diversity on Steroids

FUNDS: Syndications & Diversity on Steroids

00:08:33 | Many investors have started learning about the great returns you can get by investing in syndications. Syndications allow you to pool money together with other investors and invest in a large project that you might not have been able to do otherwise. This also means the risk to ...
How we Set Ourselves up to Retire in 5 Years Through Real Estate Investing

How we Set Ourselves up to Retire in 5 Years Through Real Estate Investing

00:07:43 | Flip & Dani share how they set themselves up to retire in 5 years through real estate investing and how their passion to help others do the same inspired them to create a 365 day Podcast Series titled "Freedom Through Passive Income ...
What is an Accredited Investor and How Do I Become One?

What is an Accredited Investor and How Do I Become One?

00:07:52 | In this episode, Resident Experts Flip & Dani talk about what is an accredited investor and how to become one ...
How Can Non-Accredited Investors Invest in Real Estate?

How Can Non-Accredited Investors Invest in Real Estate?

| Webinar | Funding, Syndication
00:07:05 | Flip & Dani teach you how Non-Accredited Investors can still invest in Real Estate including private money lending and some syndication opportunities! ...
56 Unit Horror Story: Part 2

56 Unit Horror Story: Part 2

| Webinar | Multifamily, Operations
00:09:01 | This is Part 2 of the story about our first apartment acquisition. We discuss the financial numbers including how much have our private money lenders made in interest so far, what is the projected profit and was the battle worth it ...
56 Unit Horror Story: Part 1

56 Unit Horror Story: Part 1

| Webinar | Multifamily, Operations
00:09:24 | This is Part 1 of the story about our first apartment acquisition. Fun facts: None of the keys collected at the closing worked, the “supervisor” was taking social security and government subsidy checks from tenants and there were a ton of repeated break ins…and MORE ...