Bruce McNeilage
Don’t Let Them Lie to You: Real Estate Investing Is Crucial to Housing Market Health
Design is Crucial to Attracting Discerning Baby Boomers
Design Elements in Rental Homes
Building Relationships with Banks, Credit Unions
Think Realty Podcast #180 – Build It and Renters Will Come
Managing Costs in Build-to-Rent
3 Ways to Jumpstart Your REI Strategy
Think Realty Podcast #162 – The Real Estate Ninja
Don’t Let “New Normal” Slow You Down
Don’t Let “New Normal” Slow You Down
The Good and the Bad for Single-Family Rentals Post-Pandemic
Mitigate Risk with Build-for-Rent
Think Realty Podcast #123 – Bruce McNeilage with Kinloch Partners, LLC
Construction Costs are Deciding Our Strategies
Why We Will Live with Labor Shortages in 2018 and Beyond
Nashville Housing Market offers Room to Grow