Exactly two months after we closed on our rental property, Lucas and I welcomed our renters into their new home. I felt emotional as we drove away from the house that day because (1), we had spent the morning there doing final cleaning and capturing the “after” photos of the property. I felt so accomplished looking at what we’d achieved. And (2), I had finally completed the very first item on my bucket list.
This rental renovation was not only the realization of a childhood dream of mine, but also the accomplishment of a personal goal I’d made. I wanted to flip a property before I turned 30, and I squeezed this one in with a little over a month to spare. The poignant timing makes it that much sweeter.
Lucas and I didn’t get out of this experience without a few bumps and bruises. Maybe you remember our property’s attempted break-in? (Read the story here). Or just how miserable I was dealing with our kitchen cabinet project? (Read that story here). I didn’t even chronicle for you the day we replaced the handle on our shower, but didn’t shut off the water first. You know how this one ends, right? Water erupting out of the wall with such force that we couldn’t get the old handle back on to stop the deluge. Racing through the yard to the water shut off to try to turn it off before we flooded our property. Fun times.
But, in spite of those mishaps, we had an incredibly rewarding, positive, and unforgettable experience. We walked away with a sense of pride, a bunch of new memories, and a hunger for more. But, most importantly, we truly loved the process of creating a home for our renters—turning what was once an ugly residence into a truly beautiful space. Here, check out our before/after photos and see for yourself!
After Lucas and I handed over the keys to the new renters, we went out to brunch and promptly ordered ourselves some bottomless mimosas. It seemed like the only appropriate way to close out this chapter—with a massive celebration. And that day, though you, didn’t know it then, we raised our orange juice and champagne to you, the community that made this possible.
Thank you to all of you who followed along on this journey with us, encouraged us through the process, and leant us your wisdom, experience, labor, tools, food delivery, and company along the way. We couldn’t have done this without you, and we’re forever grateful. Now, on to the next!
Congratulations on graduating from your first flip. Now on to 1st Grade of Landlord School, which will be a whole new experience. In tough economic areas, where land lording requires renting to folks living on Social Security, disability, or Section 8, there can be challenges securing rent and deposits from renters. In these poor area, there are more available properties than qualified tenants, causing many open units and many sleepless nights worrying over paying your monthly bills. In stronger economic areas, you may have more tenants than units, allowing you to be more selective and to charge a premium rent. Check out Lucas Hall’s Cozy.co and Landlordolgy.com for tools and tips on how to landlord your new rental biz. Be selective, inspect often, have a strong, thorough lease and enforce it; learn the tools and use them and you can be a successful landlord. Good luck.