When the “conventional wisdom” no longer holds in a real estate market, most real estate investors turn and run the other way. That exodus leads to something Think Realty members know is a prime target for their investing strategies: opportunity. Perhaps one of the ripest markets in the country for opportunity right now is located very near our nation’s capital, in Baltimore, Maryland, and the surrounding area. “The market has changed significantly over the past several years and it is still changing rapidly,” observed Amy Presley, co-organizer of Baltimore Washington Investors (BWI) meetup with more than two decades’ experience in real estate, zoning, and land use planning. She added, “Our market is changing so fast that marketing tactics and other acquisition strategies that have been taught year after year [in our business] no longer work the same way here.”

Presley and BWI co-organizer Andy Spagnolo, an expert in industrial sales and business development,work together to run the BWI meetup. BWI is the sixth-largest real estate meetup in the country, and Grace Realty specializes in assisting probate attorneys with clients who need to sell inherited property quickly so that they can settle estates. The two have been active in the Baltimore/Washington area for more than 20 years, so they are very familiar with how the market shifts in response not just to economic trends, but political ones as well. “It is so important for new investors in particular to learn the market area and how incredibly different things can be, for example, in the city alone from block to block,” said Spagnolo. Marketing methods in this region need to be highly tailored to the profiles of the people in that market, Presley added. “There is such a broad range of opportunity in both Baltimore City and the surrounding counties, from low-end buy-and-hold to half-million high-end flip-and-flips.”

In order to personally and publicly dig into the details of where these types of deals may be found and how to effectively become involved in them, Presley and Spagnolo have decided to host an exclusive Market Insights Panel at the Think Realty National Conference and Expo in Baltimore, Maryland, on June 24, 2017. “BWI focuses on facilitating the networking opportunities that actually help people do deals within the community,” Presley said. “We call this a REcosystem and we are the only meetup/REIA in the area that holds a recurring networking event to this end.” The BWI Baltimore Market Panel, titled simply “Finding Your Place (and Profiting In It) in the Baltimore Market,” will assemble vital players in the local market’s “REcosystem” in one place to discuss how the market is changing, what specific locations are ripe for certain types of investment strategies, and the unique marketing tactics that investors can use in the Baltimore-Washington area to gain a foothold in the market and start running truly profitable, productive, and far-reaching real estate businesses.

“BWI will bring the things we’re most known for – a great environment, great culture of sharing, high quality information, and excellent networking opportunities – to the room at the Think Realty panel in the form of expert panelists coming from every angle of a deal in this market,” said Spagnolo. Presley added, “We’re going to get deep into the details not just of where to invest and the best strategies for different parts of our region, but also into what makes marketing effective in our area. I’ve seen too many new investors wind up wasting marketing dollars because they simply followed what someone not in their market told them to do and it wasn’t the right fit for this location.”

Reserve your spot at the BWI Baltimore Market Panel and sign up to stay in the loop for more sneak peeks into the presentations and trainings at the Think Realty National Conference & Expo in Baltimore HERE.

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  • Carole VanSickle Ellis serves as the news editor and COO of Self-Directed Investor (SDI) Society, a membership organization dedicated to the needs of self-directed investors interested in alternative investment vehicles, including real estate. Learn more at SelfDirected.org or reach Carole directly by emailing Carole@selfdirected.org.

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