Think about partnerships a little differently. Instead of thinking about a partnership between you and someone else I want you to think about a partnership between you and your future you. The work and sacrifice you do today will be felt and appreciated by your future self. This partnership can’t be avoided, and the price is paid today whether you like it or not. What does your partnership with your future self look like today?
As I produce more and more free daily content to help investors, I am struck by the lack of appreciation for future rewards or future disappointment. After climbing the hill of a better financial future and ultimately financial freedom, I am left with the idea that the reason I got where I am is because of all the past actions and activities I did. No one earns financial freedom by accident and if you want it you need to have a solid partnership between you today and your future you as this crazy world will try and trick the current you into spending money, eating bad food, and wasting time.
Are you ready to establish a solid partnership with your future self? If you want a better financial future, I recommend these three steps:
- Please audit and track everything you spend in a month. I am constantly shocked that most people have no idea what they spend in a month. The few that take a guess are often very wrong and that should be eye opening as you are hurting your future self (Partner).
- Please review your spending and then break down the spending into Need verses Want. Be ruthless in this evaluation as your future self will thank you.
- Now it is time to get to work. Create a focused “Buy Box” in your Target Market and look at that Buy Box every day (yes, seven days a week). It should only take 20 minutes, but you will be looking for things that change day-to-day and then eventually you will learn what an average deal is. Once you know average your future self should get excited as you will only do good or great deals.
Frankly, I see the partnership between you today and your future self as the most important partnership but we don’t think about it and we so rarely put in the work now to benefit our future self.
If you want six pack abs in the future, do the work now. If you want a legendary relationship with your significant other or your kids, do the work now. If you want a better financial future or maybe financial freedom, then do the work now.
So take a moment and recognize that yes you will have a future self. He or she is waiting to meet you and you are the only one that can do the work to make a better life. What are you going to do? Are you going to let your most important partner down or are you going to step up, own the process, and do the work?
There is a saying, “Life is hard, but you can choose your hard.” I like this saying but think it should be modified to highlight the fact that the work we do now will be the reward or regret we have when we meet our future self and our most important partner.
What is it going to be? Are you going to recognize this important partner and own your part of the relationship? Or are you just going to keep going along day to day without change? Eventually, you will meet this future partner and you will own the outcome together.