An advertorial supplement in Think Realty Magazine can give your real estate business an effective marketing boost. Just ask Greystone Residential, one of three clients (along with Platinum Investment Properties Group and Fast Home Solutions) to take advantage of this advertising resource in the upcoming November-December 2016 issue of Think Realty Magazine.

Click here to see the supplement: Greystone_ThinkRealtyMagazine

These companies are among a growing number of industry leaders who have successfully utilized these supplements to increase brand awareness and gain maximum exposure in the real estate investing community. Multiple clients have commissioned follow-up supplements, based on the proven value and effectiveness of their initial investment.

In addition to being bound inside Think Realty Magazine and distributed nationwide (25,000 copies), the supplements are printed as standalone publications (2,000 – 5,000) that clients use in their own marketing campaigns. The publications also can be repurposed as digital downloads (unlimited exposure) for the highly targeted audiences that Think Realty Magazine reaches through our online and social media platforms and can be posted to clients’ websites and easily emailed to their current and prospective clients.

For more information and to discuss a customized campaign, please call Bob Rakowski, VP of Media Sales, at 913-599-2020 or send an email to


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  • Think Realty

    We believe in the positive, life-changing impact of real estate investing. Our mission is to help investors achieve their goals to build wealth, better manage time, and live a life full of purpose.

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