“How to I find property?” This is the number one question from real estate agents and real estate investors. To find property, you should build a diverse leads list and continually reach out to them. If you do not have a continuous supply of new leads coming to you, and you are not marketing to those leads, you are going to have a hard time being successful.

Here are some great lead sources to grow your list:

  1. Probate Leads – If you haven’t heard of probate leads, please do yourself a huge favor, and learn about them. They are a great and growing source of leads to find motivated seller. They are available for free at the county courthouse, but you may prefer to purchase leads and spend your time and energy making connections with those leads.
  2. Additional Courthouse leads – There are a variety of life changes that result in court actions and that can indicate the potential upcoming sale of property, including divorce, foreclosure, liens, and evictions. This data is available for free at the courthouse, but you can also purchase this data.
  3. Absentee Landlord – In some cases there are homes with absentee landlords. These include instances of aged homes with aged owners, code-violations, vacant lots, and vacant properties. When you find these, you may be able to get a hold of the property owner and make a quick purchase below market rates. This data can be purchased as well and often leads to finding motivated sellers.
  4. Financial-Related Property Data – Data is available to identify properties where the owners are tax delinquent or near foreclosure. Often, these owners are anxious to sell and would be happy to have an offer made on their property.
  5. Attorneys – Lawyers, particularly Probate Attorneys, have clients needing to sell homes quickly. You may be able to develop relationships with attorneys so that when a client needs to sell a property, the attorneys refer them to you for assistance.

In each of these cases, you can either spend time searching for and collecting leads on your own, or you can go to a reputable company to purchase these leads. We recommend purchasing the leads so that you can spend your time fielding calls and building relationships with your potential customers.

In addition, once you have the leads, you will want to develop a continuous and multi-faceted marketing approach to reach out to your leads. This can seem overwhelming and like a lot of work for both those early in their careers and for those who are more experienced and have larger leads lists. However, there are companies designed specifically to assist you with growing and marketing to your leads.

Go to www.USProbateLeads.com to learn more about growing your business.

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  • Kristine-Gentry

    Kristine Gentry, Ph.D., is the VP of Innovation at US Probate Leads, which offers probate leads to investors and realtors for counties throughout the country. Learn more at www.usprobateleads.com or contact her at kgentry@usprobateleads.com.

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