Brandon Turner says he’s a pretty average real estate investor like many people. He points out that there are a few key things that can make a great investment and avoid poor investments.
One, is to learn all you can about the niche in which you are investing, whether single family homes, multifamily, or other types of investment. He points out that Amazon has 11,000+ books on real estate investing. So it is important to stay focused.
Second, when you are starting out start small. Getting to a million-dollar plus portfolio overnight does not work. Knowledge and experience come slowly. Take your time and learn what you need to know.
Third, buy only the best deals. He uses the example of whether you would rather have one house that produces $1,000 a month in cash flow, or 10 houses that produce $100 each per month in cash flow. Read More
Turner is the author of the book The Real Estate Agent’s Ultimate Guide to Working with Investors.