People are feeling a little more confident about their personal financial situation, net worth and job security according to the latest survey from which is good news for real estate investors.
The Bankrate Financial Security Index was up three points in March to 102.2, from 99.3 last month. That is the third-highest reading since Bankrate began these monthly polls in Dec. 2010. Readings above 100 indicate higher financial security than the previous year.
The index’s five components are savings, debt, net worth, job security and overall financial situation.
For the third consecutive month, all components except savings indicated improvement from one year ago. Compared to one month ago, all components improved except for job security, which was essentially flat.
Twenty-seven percent of Americans report a higher net worth than one year ago, versus just 16% who report a lower net worth. Americans who note an improved overall financial situation outnumber those whose financial situations have deteriorated by a three-to-two margin.
The survey was conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International (PSRAI) and can be seen in its entirety here:
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