On June 11, SAP hosted a press roundtable to focus on a connected building solution from SAP and Honeywell that enables real estate owners of corporate and commercial buildings to get a 360-degree view of their real estate holdings, including financial and occupant insights.

The webinar, moderated by Patrick Moorhead, President and Principal Analyst at boutique technology analyst firm Moor Insights & Strategy, discussed the partners’ joint cloud-based solution, based on Honeywell Forge and SAP Cloud Platform, that will streamline and combine operational and business data to support better decision-making and drive greater efficiencies.

“Imagine the power of combining financial and operational data to help decision-makers make better decisions in a much more effective way and drive things like business continuity, productivity and safety outcomes,” explained Que Dallara, President & CEO at Honeywell Connected Enterprise.

Benefits for Buildings

The solution will enable customers to benefit from building performance optimization, including reduced carbon footprint, lower energy costs and improved tenant experience.

Dallara was joined by Peter Maier, President SAP Industries and Customer Advisory, who explained how the partnership’s strength lies in the data. As offices start to reopen, owners are expected to focus on KPIs tied to enhanced occupant safety and reduced carbon footprint along with energy savings. The joint offering will help building owners optimize their operations to meet aggressive energy savings targets and substantially reduce maintenance hours by providing real-time access to these KPIs.

Influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and accessibility to office buildings, the companies’ first area of focus is the real estate industry, where building owners often need to pull data from disparate sources that are not normalized. In the wake of the pandemic, there is an added emphasis on business continuity as facility managers cannot easily access all the businesses that they run remotely. However, with this partnership, remote accessibility is a reality.

Scott Morey, Executive Director One11 Advisors, joined the conversation on what this means for the industry. “Real estate and technology solutions, in many cases, isn’t the leading industry that companies are going after. So, I am very excited to see SAP and Honeywell partner specifically in this area and meet the demand of the marketplace.”

Powered by both companies’ cloud platforms, a dashboard will guide owners on real-time key performance indicators, including how sustainable the building is. The platform looks at five pillars; utilization, experience within the building, cost of the building, operational readiness and sustainability score. Together, these numbers are normalized and combined to create an overall building performance score.

Easy Access to More Real Estate Data

The Honeywell and SAP solution will provide customers with easy access to a wider range of pertinent real estate data, including energy performance, security, maintenance, rent, taxes, location, regulations, lease terms and other costs, including:

  • Predefined extensible dashboards combining information technology and operational technology KPIs, leveraging artificial intelligence
  • Monitoring and reduction of annual energy spend, resulting in reduced carbon footprint and greater energy efficiency, even as maintenance hours decrease
  • A harmonized data architecture that connects building data from Honeywell with real estate and financial data from SAP
  • Combined human comfort KPIs with measured experience KPIs


The round table concluded with a brief Q&A and discussion around compliance. As larger offices now have to maintain capacity standards, it is manually impossible to have someone walk around to tally how many people are in an office at one time. The partnership is aiming to bring this technology

to track those movements, providing workers and building managers with an extra layer of security.

To watch the webinar replay, register here. The news announcement containing more details about the partnership is also available online.

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