Chantelle Owens is a buy and hold investor who acquires property solely through tax lien investing. The real estate seed was planted early in Owens’ life, when at 17 years old, she helped collect rent for her cousin’s rental properties.

“I was fascinated with the concept even at such an early age. My cousin was only 25 years old, which intrigued me even more. I knew I wanted a way to be able to collect money every month and own property that other people lived in. It felt so boss-ish!” she said.

Fast-forward seven years, after getting out of the military and working in corporate America, Owens quickly realized she needed to create an exit plan. Around this time, she was approached by a co-worker who offered $8,000 in exchange for allowing him to use her credit to invest in real estate.

“It seems crazy now, but I jumped on that offer and I haven’t looked back. At the time, I my annual salary was only $30K. As you can imagine after doing three of those deals, I was both ready to leave my position as an administrative assistant and go full steam ahead into real estate investing with my own credit. The only problem was that I didn’t know what I was doing, until one late night, I ordered the Carleton Sheets, No Money Down program from an infomercial,” Owens said.

She took that course and studied until she felt comfortable making no-money-down offers “or what many call ‘subject to’ offers.” From there, Owens became a wholesaler, then moved on to fix and flip and eventually ended up being a housing provider for the sole purpose of having an exit strategy. Now, she is the Tax Lien Queen.

Here is more about Chantelle Owens and her professional climb in REI:

What niche of REI do you prefer and why?

“I am partial to investing in tax liens. It is an amazing way for the average, hard-working person to get their foot in the real estate door. Being able to purchase properties for pennies on the dollar can help many people create financial freedom. Plus owning property free and clear is very liberating.”

What characteristics do you exhibit that have made you successful?

“I have been told that I have high expectations, both of others and more particularly of myself. I am willing to go the proverbial extra mile, beyond what is usually deemed necessary.

I am a visionary that keeps my eyes on the horizon, despite the turmoil that may be in front of me.

I’ve learned to listen and trust my gut, recognize patterns, and interpret data.”is so much to learn from others.”

What is one of your professional goals for 2021 and how do you plan to achieve it?

“I will launch the Digital Tax Lien Bootcamp by Q3 2021. I plan to achieve this through milestones we’ve mapped out. And, just because I’ve announced it here, the pressure is on.”

What’s your greatest real estate investment success story?

“My whole story is my greatest story. Everybody loves a rags to riches story and that is my story. The only difference is that I lost those riches in the market crash of 2001. I got back in the game and did it again then lost everything again in the 2008 market crash. Once again, I got back in and started dominating in the tax lien niche, which ultimately led to financial stability and then financial freedom.

My greatest deal story is a tax lien I purchased for $4,000 in a drug infested, “D” neighborhood that nobody wanted, and many people said I was crazy to invest in. It ended up being gentrified and increased in value to $200,000 (as-is) and $450,000 after repair value.”

Best advice for new investors?

Invest in your education. It is easier, faster and less expensive to have someone teach you how to do something than DIY and learn as you go. DIY mistakes can cost a pretty penny.

Surround yourself with a community of like-minded investors via educational platforms such as Think Realty, Real Estate Investor Associations (REIAs), and Mastermind groups.
Start your business off right with proper systems like accounting, administration, marketing, sales, and operations, or you will become a slave to your business.

Best advice for seasoned investors?

“Be of service and help others. Plan for family, self, and leisure time. Otherwise, all the wealth we create is useless.”

Why is the real estate industry good for women?Chantelle Owens

“The real estate industry is great for women because it creates an environment for our special and unique talents: attention to detail, project management, collaboration, networking, being of service. The industry is extremely vast and can allow many women to create financial freedom not only for themselves and their families, but for others in their communities as well.”

What strategies/tools within the real estate investing industry have helped you the most?

“Reading has been my most valuable tool, not only in real estate, but in life. Reading opens the imagination to endless possibilities and makes our thoughts tangible.
Networking has, by far, opened more doors than I deserved; collaboration has helped me to grow like wildfire; and being of service keeps me going, keeps me fulfilled, and has returned the favor when I needed it most.”

What are three things readers might not know about you?

  1. I want to become a DJ! Not a professional for hire, but as a hobby.
  2. I want to go to law school—not to be a lawyer—but to prove to myself I can do it.
  3. I am single. LOL!


Get in Touch with Chantelle Owens

other: @gataxlienbootcamp (IG, FB, YT, TW, TikTok)

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Tags | Women
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