Did you know the cost of a manufactured home is, on average, less than HALF the cost of what a site-built home cost to build? And, what may be even more surprising, it’s NOT because you’ve sacrificed quality. In fact, that is a misguided concept that some less-than-scrupulous site-built contractors would love you to believe. The manufactured sector of the housing market has found natural ways to keep costs down by streamlining the process of building and making it far more efficient. Thereby, they have reduced some of the costs long expected to be buried into the cost of building a site-built home by construction contractors.

Think about it for a moment. Gone are the days where the contractor must plan recourse for issues that arise later due to the length of time and uncontrollable variable conditions on a site-built home. Pre-manufactured home builders don’t have to figure in the fallout plan for angry homeowners yelling or threatening to sue them after material was soaked by rain. An uncontrollable issue like a rainy season can wreak havoc on organic product that should never be wet prior to being sandwiched within the dark confines of a house where mold can grow and spread.  

In truth, the manufacturing of a home in one controlled environment has so much more research involved in the materials and the process. There is also very little variable surrounding the process. You are arguably getting a higher quality home than one that is site built with a bevy of contractors putting their hands in. Contractors often are only concerned with the functionality of their respective aspect of the home, whether it is electrical, plumbing, insulation, etc.

Manufactured homes/mobile homes have proven to be an answer to the affordable housing crisis, and we are seeing that they also provide a great deal of jobs within the U.S. Almost 100,000 homes were produced in 2018, and the manufacturers provided 40,000 jobs. There are 123 manufacturing plants and 35 U.S. corporations running them. The manufacturing sector of the manufactured housing market has contributed nearly $3 billion to the GDP each year.

What this means is that the economy can thank manufactured housing and look to it to provide a great deal of help in answering, not only mounting concerns around affordable housing, but also housing without corners cut due to limited cost and health hazards that go hand-in-hand with site builds when budgets are in place. Best of all, manufactured houses are made in America.

Are you ready to get started? If so, contact us at for more information on mobile home park investments.

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  • Chimene Van Gundy

    Chimene Van Gundy is the mother of five children, and she runs and manages five different companies. She is known as the "The Mobile Home Millionaire" and “Queen of Mobile Homes” because she has fixed, flipped, and wholesaled more than 400 units to date in four years and in 11 states. She currently owns 20 mobile home parks and has taken her business international by rehabbing mobile homes in Ireland, where they are called “Holiday homes.” Chimene is on a mission to preserve the “last frontier of affordable housing for the U.S.” and is currently teaching others how to use these “little boxes that spit out cash” to change their lives and live the life of their dreams through her mobile home millions platform.

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