Gold Affiliate Program

We believe in the positive, life-changing impact of real estate investing. Our mission is to help investors achieve their goals to build wealth, better manage time, and live a life full of purpose. 

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Gold Affiliate Program

We believe in the positive, life-changing impact of real estate investing. Our mission is to help investors achieve their goals to build wealth, better manage time, and live a life full of purpose. 

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Resources for your members. Rewards for you.

Do you run a local REIA or group of real estate investors? Become a Think Realty Affiliate to save up to 50% off your members’ bottom line via our Savings Program, with member signups and savings linked back to you.


  • Be your members’ hero by saving them up 50% off with our partners, including Home Depot Pro Specialty Trades, Sunbelt Rentals, Batteries+Bulbs, ODP Business Solutions, and more!


  • Access unlimited articles on
  • Watch unlimited Resident Expert courses
  • Download REI templates, checklists, eBooks, and more
  • Forecast essential scenarios with 10+ REI calculators
  • Receive regular industry updates, education, and REI strategy in your inbox
  • Earn .05% revenue share on your linked members’ spending with Home Depo Pro Specialty Trades and Sunbelt Rentals.*
  • Up to 50 copies of each issue of Think Realty Magazine for use at member meetings. (Each subscription normally $39.99/year.)
  • $15.99 Think Realty Conference & Expo In-Person Tickets
  • Access Think Realty Conference & Expo Virtual Replays FREE

* Think Realty must receive the spend report from Home Depot Pro Specialty Trades and Sunbelt Rentals prior to any revenue share payout. Revenue share is paid once annually at the end of the first quarter of the following calendar year.