Tracy Z. Rewey

  • A well-known cash flow expert, Tracy Z. Rewey has handled millions of dollars in note investments. She shares her 20 years of insider secrets teaching others to buy and broker notes in “Finding Cash Flow Notes – Your Complete Moneymaking System to Buying, Referring, Creating, and Holding Real Estate Notes.” Rewey combines her knowledge of cash flow notes with the power of marketing online to help grow your business. She can be reached at or 1-888-999-7905 or

5 Strategies For Building Wealth Through Note Buying

5 Strategies For Building Wealth Through Note Buying

"You can make a living brokering notes, but you get wealthy owning notes!” This statement from a pioneer real estate note investor provided one of those “lightbulb” moments for me. Determined to start owning notes, I left a 10-year “job” in the corporate note-buying world to start my own note ...