Kristin Weekley

  • Kristin Weekley is a real estate agent with Laer Realty Partners. She may be reached at

WorkingwithAgents web

Building Your Investor Network with a Realtor

| Article | Operations
Working with a real estate agent is a great way for investors to diversify their lead sources, and get access to deals before they even hit the market. Successful relationships with agents take a special set of skills. Since agents are used to working with owner-occupants who are often more ...
metro Boston

The Best and Worst of Metro Boston Real Estate

| Article | Market & Trends
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...” While Dickens didn’t exactly have real estate in mind when he wrote this line, it’s still a good description of the real estate market’s ups and downs in 2018. The first half of 2018 in metro Boston, where ...

3 Ways to Make the Most on Your Flip

As a realtor working in the Boston area, I have spent some serious time in the middle of a “hot market.” However, I frequently encounter investors who are not getting hot prices on their flips. Usually, this is directly linked to a few common misconceptions nearly every seller, investor or ...
3 Tips for Doing Profitable Investment Deals in a Seller’s Market

3 Tips for Doing Profitable Investment Deals in a Seller’s Market

When they hear the term “hot market,” most real estate investors I know immediately assume that I, as a realtor, will love working in an area with this description. After all, properties are selling for big bucks, which means I can earn higher commissions, right? Well, yes and no. A ...