Ben Rao

Millions of Unsellable Homes Could Upheave the Housing Market

Millions of Unsellable Homes Could Upheave the Housing Market

Sweeping demographic changes are underway in the U.S. as tens of millions of Baby Boomers age into retirement. Between now and 2030, the number of Americans aged 65 years and older will increase to 73 million people, accounting for 30 percent of the population. Roughly 70 percent of them will ...
When the Largest Generation Affects REI

When the Largest Generation Affects REI

Baby Boomers have been at the helm of economic trends in the United States for decades. Currently holding nearly 80 percent of total housing wealth in the United States, the Baby Boomer generation is clearly steering residential real estate trends as well. In terms of assets, middle class Baby Boomers ...
How Residential Real Estate Investors Can Help Solve the Impending Silver Tsunami Crisis

How Residential Real Estate Investors Can Help Solve the Impending Silver Tsunami Crisis

With nearly 10,000 Americans turning 65 every single day, our country is rapidly aging. By 2030, all of the nation’s baby boomers - roughly 20% of the American population - will be older than 65. This will expand the size of the country’s elderly population to a staggering 72.8 million ...

Senior Housing and Residential REI

The senior living industry is facing an unprecedented nightmare, with a ripple effect that can be felt in residential real estate markets. Congregate-care settings such as assisted living communities are ideal environments for the rapid spread of any contagious virus. But COVID-19 – a virus that preys on the elderly ...

Build Your Real Estate Business on a Firm Foundation

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In the real estate business, you have to have a firm foundation – literally. If your property has a cracked foundation, you will likely take serious losses as you deal with shifting floors, instability, falling property values, and banks are less interested in lending you money. Just as a bad ...
Playing My Favorite Sport to Win

Playing My Favorite Sport to Win

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Many ague with me when I say that entrepreneurialism is a sport. However, when you really break it down, you’ll see that sports and running your own business are very much alike. Let’s start with a simple question: Which of these characteristics are attributes of an athlete and which are ...
Exercise Your Rights for a Better Business and Life

Exercise Your Rights for a Better Business and Life

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You want to be a successful entrepreneur or have success with everything in your life, right? That means elevating your performance, and there’s no better way to help yourself accomplish that than by making exercise a regular and continuing part of your life. That’s top of mind for me now ...
Entrepreneur's Corner: Are There Holes in Your Boat?

Entrepreneur’s Corner: Are There Holes in Your Boat?

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As I learn more about myself and my business, I realize how little I really know. Don’t get me wrong, my business is successful, but sometimes as an entrepreneur, I’m wearing filters that keep me from seeing the entire truth. Sometimes it’s ego or pride. Sometimes it’s perspective. When these ...
The Entrepreneur Corner: Lifelong Process

The Entrepreneur Corner: Lifelong Process

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From the time I was a kid, I knew I was an entrepreneur, always selling something to the other kids or coming up with solutions for problems. For a time, I worked in the corporate world, then in 1997 I left behind those comforts, and I haven’t worked for another ...