Although not many people believe it, your garage is one of the most important parts of your house – it stores your car, as well as other, often expensive items, and many people tend to use it to enter the living area more often than the front door.

However, it is also one of the most common ways in which burglars get access to your home. That’s exactly why it is important to keep it as secure as possible, so that potential thieves won’t have the chance to use it to their advantage. How can you do that? Keep on reading to find out.

Make Sure That the Door Is Strong and Heavy

A heavy and robust garage door will make it harder for thieves to use brute force to open it. You should also make sure that it has a lot of locks on it, which will make it even more secure.

You should also ensure that your garage door is working correctly; even if it’s solid or heavy, it could be easier for a thief to find their way in if it is malfunctioning. There is sure to be a garage door repair service near you. Just type garage door service and your location into Google, and you’ll have plenty of options. For instance, if you live in Texas, you might search for garage door repair services in San Antonio.

Hide The Garage Code

You should make sure that your garage door code is not easy to guess or find, and that you change it at least once a year. You should also consider installing a digital lock that monitors when people try to guess the code and will notify you if that happens.

Place Motion Detectors Around The Garage

Motion detectors are extremely useful in cases like the one we are discussing right now. Many of them are capable of recording video, which means that they can provide you with more information on who entered your garage.

Install a Security System

Preferably one that transmits video. You can also set up your security system to notify you as soon as someone enters your garage – you should make sure that you do the same thing for the front door and every other part of your house.

Use More Than One Lock

Most thieves know how to break into garage doors, so if you want to make sure that they don’t have the chance to enter your garage, you should use more than one lock.

Don’t Buy a Cheap Door Opener

Many people don’t realize that garage door openers are very easy to hack, which is why you should always go with the best model on the market. Otherwise, thieves will have the chance to use it to enter your house when you are not home, and that will make things a lot easier for them.

Install a Camera

There are plenty of small surveillance cameras that you can use to keep an eye on your garage. You should place them on the door and the walls, so that you can see everything that happens.

Be Careful With Social Media

Social media is a blessing and a curse when it comes to keeping your home safe. Many burglars know what they are doing, and they often check Facebook and other social media accounts before trying to break into someone’s home.

Cover the Windows

If the thieves can’t see into your garage, it will give them one less reason to target your house. You can either completely cover the windows or use blinds. Remember to cover up the windows on the door and the sides of the garage. You can also choose to replace your windows with frosted ones. In this way, you’ll still get natural daylight, but nobody will be able to see into your garage.

Be Vigilant

Of course, the best way to make sure that your garage is safe is to be vigilant yourself. Make sure that no one has the chance to see you enter your house or write down your garage code and use it at a later date. The easiest way to prevent all of this from happening is to make sure that you don’t write down your garage code in the first place.

Finally, you should make sure that you keep an eye on everything that happens around your house. That way, if you notice that something suspicious is happening, you will be able to keep your garage safe.


All in all, there are many things that you can do to make sure that your garage is safe and secure, but don’t forget that it is up to you to make sure that they don’t enter your house without a fight!

  • Think Realty

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